Sibu is one of the city and parts of Sarawak. It is situated at the meeting with the River Igan Rajang River, about 60 km from the sea. Most of the Chinese people and the Foo Chow Iban of the Batang Rajang. There are also people of other Bumiputra Malays and Melanau. According to 2002 census, the population of Sibu is the total of 228.700 people.
Sibu attraction here is the hospitality of the people. There is also a high building, located Kong To Pack Sibu waters. Sibu population growing and many new housing estates were built. Sibu is a point perjalinan considered the relationship between the parts in the southern parts of northern Sarawak. Therefore, Sibu is one of the thriving commercial centers in the state.
Sibu has its own uniqueness with the farmers, local fruits and vegetables that may not or rarely found in Peninsular Malaysia which include fruit and fruit Dabai Engkalak is a favorite seasonal fruits communities in Sarawak, especially the Malays, Melanau and Iban.
Dabai fruit and fruit is rare engkalak in Kuching and most brought in from Sibu, Sarikei or Bintangor. Fruits and fruit dabai engkalak often become food for lunch or evening for the community in Sarawak, especially in Sibu, Sarikei, Kapit, Song, Bintangor, Mukah, Oya, Igan and others.
Both are really easy to get ready for that with soaked in warm water for several minutes until it becomes soft and then ditoskan water and mixed with some salt and it is ready for the meal. For some individuals were more delicious dabai eaten with soy sauce and fruit is often processed to be orange dabai.
In addition, the fruit can be cooked as food for lunch or evening is the fruit lakum. The fruit is often practiced by some people in Sarawak as a cure bitterness of this fruit of the throat and usually cooked in broth with the water in which the uniqueness of the sour taste is the secret of this fruit as the instigator of appetite, especially for someone who is a fever or loss of appetite.
islam menjawab semua tuduhan kaum kafir
13 years ago
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